


AlzAuthors | Sherri Levine Honors her Mother’s Memory with Poetry

Poetry Moves | “Bending Down” (On Vancouver, WA buses)

Prairie Schooner | “Rummaging,” “What I didn’t know”

borrowed solace | “Spelunking”

Poet Lore | “The Angel in the Isolation Room”

Jewish Literary Review | “Through the Window,” “Taharah,” “Camelia Bloom”

Mizmor Anthology | “Lilacs”

Clackamas Literary Review | “Where My Father Stands,” “When I Wouldn’t Eat My Disgusting Liver”

Storms of the Inland Sea: Poems of Alzheimer's and
Dementia Caregiving
| “Swimming in the Rain”

Worcester Review | “Remembering Her Less,” “Anniversary,“Unleashed”

Mom Egg Review | “Questions for the Hospice Nurse”

CIRQUE | “Last Year’s Leaves,” “Goldstar,” “When I Wouldn’t Eat My Disgusting Liver”

The Sun Magazine | “Swimming to Corfu”

Driftwood Press | “I Remember Not Sleeping”

CALYX | “Girl,” “Facedown”

Timberline Review | “Grammar Lessons”

Corvus Review | “PTSD”

Flock | “So American”

The Font | “Grammar Lessons”

Hoot Literary Review | “Columbia Rain Jacket,” “Brooklyn Accent”

Months to Years | “Watching My Mother Die”

Motherscope | “Hothouse”

Opiate Magazine | “At the Drug Clinic,” “Weekend Call to My Father,” “Work of Art,” “Intensity,” “When I Ate a Raymond Carver,” “Dear Albania,” “The Man Next Door”

Peregrine Magazine, “The Topography of Grief

Perspectives Magazines | “Grey-Haired Squirrel”

Poeming Pigeon | “There is Poetry in These Rooms,” “Aunt Sylvia’s Eyebrows,” “Swimming during COVID”

Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine | “Lost & Found in Portland, Oregon,” “Tiny Buds”

Sassafras Literary Magazine |Footbridge

Timberline Review, “Grammar Lessons”

U.S 1 Worksheets | “A Million Stars”

Verseweavers: the Oregon Poetry Association Anthology of Prize-winning Poems | “Don’t Bother the Flowers,” “Stealing Flowers from the Neighbors,” “Once”

Vine Leaves Press | “50 Give or Take”, “Mrs. Krouse”

VoiceCatcher |She Steps out of His Pickup Truck,” “Mama,” “Girl”

Voices Project | “The Brightest Stars”

Willawaw Journal | “A Kind of Disaster,” “Once,” “Swimming in the Rain,” “Sunday Mornings”

Visual Art

The Opiate | “A Frustrating Mess,” “Beautiful”

The Opiate | “Grief”

little somethings press | “Chickens in Love," “Beakers”

Willawaw Journal | “Courtship”

Pretty Owl Press | “Woman Reading”