About Sherri

Sherri Levine is a poet who lives in Portland, Oregon. Her poem, “Facedown,” won the Lois Cranston Memorial Prize (Calyx). She won First Prize (Poet’s Choice) in the Oregon Poetry Association Biannual Contest in 2017. Her work has been published in Prairie Schooner, The Timberline Review, CALYX, Driftwood Press, Poet Lore, The Opiate, Verseweavers, CIRQUE, Clackamas River Review, The Sun Magazine, and others. Sherri served as Poetry Editor for VoiceCatcher Journal. Her chapbook, In These Voices, was published by Poetry Box in 2018. She escaped the long harsh winters of upstate New York and has ever since been happily soaking in the Oregon rain. Sherri is the creator and host of Head for the Hills, a poetry series and open mic sponsored by the Hillsdale Library and now is hosted by Dale Champlin. Her first full-length poetry collection, Stealing Flowers from the Neighbors,” is published by Kelsay Press. Sherri recently published A Joy to See (Just a Lark Books, 2023) an ekphrastic poetry book of 27 prominent poets of her mother, Kay Levine’s artwork. She and the poets read the book at Powell’s in June of 2023. Her next illustrated poetry book, I Remember Not Sleeping will be published in 2024.

contact: sherrihope68@gmail.com